The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation..”



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STEP 2: Once your payment is processed proceed to the online Membership Application. Complete and submit.

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JUDICIAL SECTION (includes GCBA Membership & Judicial Section dues)

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2023 GCBA Membership Roster

Abernathy Jeremy
Adams Judge Gregory A.
Adams Judge Cynthia
Adams Judge Kimberly E.
Adebayo Colin
Ahn Judge Grace
Akrasih Shirley
Alabi Andrea
Alexander HJ
Alexander Latrice
Alexander Judge Kimberly A.
Alexandre Sara
Alhassan Heba
Allen Denise
Alleyne Janellle
Amircani Maha
Anderson Judge Beryl
Anderson Judge Kimberly
Anderson Mecca
Anthony Dymond
Arrington Michelle
Aten Judge Phinia
Austin Nicholas
Austin Germaine
Axam Cinque
Ayers Robin
BaaQar Libya
Baaqar Libya
Bacon Nicholas
Bailey Jr. Henry A.
Bailey Judge Charles
Baker Sharon
Baker Judge JaDawnya C.
Barlay Thua
Barnes Judge L’Erin
Barnes Jadyn
Barnes Judge Anne
Barnes Latasha
Bates Shatorree
Battle Folayan
Beck Shyril
Bell Lloyd
Belton Judge Wenona
Belton William
Benning Marcus
Bethune Jamal
Bey N. John
Bey Judge Adra
Billups Michael
Blunt Keona
Boddie William
Booth Kimaya
Bradley Amanda
Braxton Myles
Brice Cale
Bridgewater Charity
Brock Christopher
Brockington Brock
Brodgon Sr. M. Gino
Brogdon Melissa
Brogdon Bisa
Brogdon Sr. M. Gino
Brookins Tracey
Browder Janene
Brown Jacqueline
Brown Dwayne
Brown Lytia
Brown Von
Brown Judge Sonja N.
Brown Cassandra Ward
Brown E. Ty
Brown Davyn
Brown William E
Brown ML
Bruce Christopher E.
Burke Stacey
Burnette Anthony
Burney Deetra
Burris A.
Butler Jill
Butler Judge Deitra Burney
Cameron Stacey
Campbell Naomi
Capers Justin
Carey Judge Kimberly
Carhee Winston
Carter Jocquelyn
Castilla Hillard
Challenger Cherise
Chandler Kyrie
Chandler Jasmine
Chester D
Chester Nick
Clair S. Diane
Clark Nora
Clark Shawntel Hebert
Cloud Caren
Cole Amanda
Cole Judge Brenda
Coleman Gregory
Coleman Jr. Kevin
Colvin Judge Verda M.

Combre Charlotte
Combs Josh
Cooke Chelsea
Cooley Jayla
Cooper Judge Roberta
Cooper Judge Clarence
Cotton Ebony S.
Cox Judge Thomas
Cox Brandon
Curtis Jenifer
Cuthpert Judge Clarence
Daldry Amy
Damas Cassandre
Dangnokho Marianne
Davis Evette
Davis Judge Joshua
Davis Dornistra
Deane Jr. Richard H.
Dease Chelsea
DeLaney Sakia
Dempsey Judge Alford
Dixon Addison
Dixon Jr. Pat
Dockery Marian
Dominquez Miguel
Doye Timothy
Doyle Judge Sara
Duduyemi Timi
Dukes Stacie
Dunaway Judge Eric
Edwards Tessie
Edwards Donald
Edwards Judge Belinda
El Amin Judge Fatima
Ellis Philippa
Ellis Jr. Willie
Esteves Jason
Faction Satee
Farris Beryl
Favors Jamil
Fellows Henry
Felton Elverine
Ferguson Ashley
Fitts Edward
Flack Sarah
Fleming Loranzo
Floyd Rodney
Ford Simone
Ford Darryl
Foster Carrie
Foster Ira
Francis Marsha
Francois Sheila
Franklin Teandra
Franklin Carolyn
Franklin Jr. Harold E
Franklin Wendell
Frederick Paula
Freeman Judge Ronald J.
Fulks Mia
Fuller Eugene
Gaines Celeste
Gaston Emily
Gibson Lexis
Glanville Judge Ural
Glover Breonna
Goodman Shombraya
Graham Evelyn
Grant Devon
Gray Antonio D.
Gray Dana Stitch
Grayson Shayla M.
Green Octavia
Greene Anthony
Greenstar Amanda
Gresham Jarvarus
Grier Karlise Y.
Guidry Alexis
Gundy Judge Terrinee L.
Hagans Sharon
Hall Asten
Hand IV Pierce G.
Hanson Avarita
Hanyard Nicol
Hardeman Germani
Hargrove Bedelia
Hargrove Elicia
Harper Michael
Harris Tonya
Harris TaCara
Haskell Nancy
Hawkins Cameron D.
Hayes LaTonya Burroughs
Haynes Ariyiana
Hazard Ana Marie
Heath Candace
Hedge Zaine
Herring Alexis
Hill Bobby
Hilton Eric
Hobson Williams
Hobson Marcus

Hollin Jr James
Holloway Sean
Holmes Kristal
Holmes Joyette Holmes
Holmes Denise
Hooker Patrice Perkins
Hopkins Lindsay
Hopkins Charles Edward
Hornsby Stacey
Houston Folana
Huddleston Charles
Hughes Sheldon
Hurst Gary R.
Ingram Judge Shukura L.
Islam Mumin
Jackson Kyle
Jackson Judge LaTisha Dear
Jackson Damien
Jackson Anya
Jackson Tyshawn
Jackson Debra
Jackson Judge Asha F.
Jackson Dasha
Jacobs Audrey L.
James II Robert
Jean Sandra
Jenkins Olivia
Jester Nathan
Johnson Harold
Johnson Precious
Johnson Christopher L
Johnson Judge Coy
Johnson Clarence
Johnson Amber A.
Johnson Judge Kenya
Johnson Charis
Johnson Crystal
Johnson Cyntoria
Johnson Forrest B
Johnson Tiffani
Johnson Forrest
Johnson Charles
Johnson Judge Courtney
Johnson Precious
Jones Judge Steve E.
Jones Shirki
Jones Michael
Jones Jabari
Jones Dawn
Juitt Narissa
Kajunju Elimu
Kelly Jesse Lee
Kendall Alvin
Kendall Wayne
Kerr Mark
King Earl
Kingdom Gabriel
Klein Linda
Knapp Jr Halsey
Kulture Karakoe
Lake Judge Brian
Lakin Shederis
Lamar Kendrick
Lanier Kenric
Law J Curt
Leary Judge Ronda Colvin
Lee Ashley
Lee Lindsay
Leftridge Judge Melynee
Lett Katina
Lewis Joyce
Lewis Ashley
Lewis Kareemah
Lewis Audrey
Lewis Chaundra
Lewis Carlton
Lindsay Keith
Litner Steve
Littles Chelle
Locke Roy
Lodenquai Sheneka
Lokin Pranav
Mabra Ronald
Mack Yolanda
Madden Tarance
Malone Judge Shana Rooks
Malone Kim
Mangham Randal
Marable Michael
Marshall Danielle
Marshall Maya
Marshall Shelton
Martin Corey
Martin Yolanda
Mason Noah
Mason Utrophia
Massiah Law
Mayfield Adrienne
McCall Stacey
McCalla Daniela
McCamy Judge Cheveda
McClain Shannon

McCloud Pamela
McClure Fallon
McDonald April
McDuffie Darrick L.
McGee Raquel V.
McKinley Candice
McKinney Cameron
McMullin Ruth
McNary Lisa
McRae Vasco
Melton Justice Harold
Mikell Lashawn
Milford Sandy
Miller Jerome
Miller Justin
Miller Janise L.
Miller Judge M. Yvette
Mitchell Chelsea
Mitchell Alex
Mitchell Jr. Ceasar C.
Mitchell Jr. Kenneth
Mize Jr. Clyde E.
Moore John
Morris Judge Shondeana
Morrison Krista
Mortel Angela
Mosbey Tatiana
Moten Keith
Motley Bianca
Muhammad Kerrie
Mull Danielle
Murphy Breeara
Murry Dorian
Nanguy Tiffany
Neal Joyce
Nebo Tanya
Nelson Alphonsie
Nelson Brittney
Nkumek Nwakego
Norwood Matthew
Nurse Judge Talia
Ogunsola Alyce
Okonokhua Precious
Okwara Araella
Oliver Judge Rashida
Orina Vianca
Osim Esther
Paige Marriah N.
Palmer Alita
Parham Shalamar
Parker Mia
Parks Jaquita
Parks Delvecchio
Patrick Chanel
Patterson P. Andrew
Patterson Jackie
Patton Anissa
Pennington Rene
Pepukayi Bernard V.
Perkins Christopher
Persons Deloris
Petty Adam
Pittman Yesha
Pitts Judge Allyson
Pleasant Naporsha
Poe Brian
Portis Chris
Priddy Latevia
Purnell Corey
Radcliff Brent M.
Raines Erin
Rainey Timothy
Ramsey Judge Ronald
Ramsey Amina
Redfield Terrica
Redmon Melissa
Reed Lavonda
Reeder William
Richardson M
Richardson Judge Eric
Richardson Veronica
Riddick Jamilah V.
Riggins Cremeithius
Roberts Aundrea
Roberts Toni
Robinson Jasmin
Rosier Law
Ross Judge Brian K.
Ross Judge Eleanor
Ross Tremaine
Roy Ananya
Ruff Michael
Ruffin Patrice
Ruffin Dasheika
Rush Gerald
Russell Judge Carol Walker
Ryland Avery
Sampson LaShanda
Sampson II Thomas G. Woody
Sampson Sr. Thomas G.
Sanders Jatrean M.
Sandidge Zareshey

Sartin Brandon
Satcher Daraka
Sawyers MJ
Scaife Desni
Scales Judge Juliette
Scates Mychal
Scott Janet
Scott Shana L.
Scott Tahira
Scott Betrice
Sellers Tiffany
Shannon Robert
Silas Toronda
Silva Marilyn
Simmons Terrri
Simon Sharnell
Simpkins Ebonei
Singleton Shaniqua
Sinkfield Richard H.
Sistrunk Hez
Skelton Timia
Smith Candis Jones
Smith David G.
Smith OL
Smith Perri
Smith Lamar
Smith Alex
Solomon Tabitha
Southall Kenneth
Spencer R. Gary
Staggers Elijah
Stapleton Amber
Stateen Tunisia
Stewart L.Chris
Storey Judge Keisha
Taylor Bernard
Thinn G
Thomas Terrell
Thomas Aisha
Thompson Kwame
Thompson Alicia
Thompson Donte
Thompson Elaine L.
Thompson Jr Kenneth
Tiku Martina
Tompkins Jeffery
Toomer Judge Pinkie
Traylor Fallon
Treadwell William
Turner Cheryl F.
Tyler Michael W.
Valentine Naporsha
Varner Enoch
Vickers Nicole
Vinson Latasha
Walker Betty
Walker Linda T.
Walker Tyrra
Wallace Quinton
Walls Tyrone
Ward Meka B.
Ward Judge Christopher
Ware Noreen
Warren Judge Deah
Warthon Karechia
Washington Quinton
Watkins Kayla
Watkins Evettte
Wharton Steven
Wheeler Takiya
White Stacee
White James
Whitker Judge Paige
Whittaker Danielle
Wide Thomas
Wilder R
Williams Delisa
Williams CJ
Williams Shermela
Williams Chasmine
Williams Lynne Espy
Williams Lee Young
Williams Zamani
Williams Kyle
Williams Sean
Willis Natalie
Willis Shawona
Wilson Nia
Wilson Recia
Wilson L.D
Wood Judge Maureen E
Woods Darrius
Woods Briana
Woods Sandrea
Yallah Naadia Ali
Yancey Shaun
Yarber Promiss
Yokom Judge Christopher